Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system for sale
The New SIUI Apogee 5300 Touch is a fantastic compact mid range ‘shared services’ ultrasound scanner offering outstanding value for money. Ideally suited to a wide range of AQP contracts this is an easy to operate system that has excellent performance both in cardiology and general imaging with a full specification including access to many high end features such as 4D imaging. The SIUI Apogee 5300 Touch manages high performance ultrasound imaging whilst looking after your budget.

Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Appearance
- Ergonomic appearance
- Swivel keyboard and monitor
- High resolution color monitor
- 21-inch LCD monitor
- 10.4-inch touch screen
- Visual Angle:
Left and right side: 178°
Up and down: 178°
Resolution : 1280 × 1024
- Backlit keyboard, 8 TGC
- Four active probe connectors
- Six probe holders
- Control panel is up/down movable and left/right rotation
Left and right side: 30°
Up and down: 110mm
- Gel warmer
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Probe
Transducer Types
- Electronic convex probe (2-6 MHz, 128 elements, 145 degrees image field)
- Electronic linear probe (5-12 MHz, 50 mm surfaces , 256 items, electro graphic and panoramic imaging, biopsy redirector optional)
- Electronic trans vaginal probe
- Electronic phased array probe
- Electronic trans vaginal probe ( 5- 8 MHz, 128 elements, biopsy redirector optional)
- Electronic biplane probe
- 4D convex probe
- 4D trans vaginal probe
- Transesophageal probe
Probe Mode
- C3LC convex probe
- C6LC convex probe
- L8LC linear probe
- L10LC linear probe
- U5LC linear probe
- P3FC phased array probe
- P5FC phased array probe
- V6LC trans vaginal probe
- C5LF 4D convex probe
- V6LC 4D vaginal probe
- ECBP biplane probe
- Transesophageal probe
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Technology
- Abdomen, Urology, Gynecology,
- Obstetrics (1st Trimester, 2nd and 3rd Trimesters), Fetal echo, Multifetation
- Abdomen (PEN), Urology (PEN)
- Thyroid, Breast, Testes, Peripheral vascular, Orthopedics, Podiatry, Superficial, Small part (PEN), Musculoskeletal Neurology
- intervention, contrast analysis, pressure elastography
- Carotid, Vascular (PEN), intervention, intestines
- Cardiology, Cardiology (PEN),
- Pediatrics Cardiac
- Auto-Fit: Automatic Optimization (B and PW mode)
- Nanoview : Speckled Reduction
- Trapezoidal Imaging (linear probe)
- Tissue Harmonic imaging (3 frequency)
- Zoom
- Color Doppler, Color Power Doppler and Direction Power Doppler
- Pulse Wave Doppler
- XBeam : Compound Imaging
- Panoscope (B/color mode)
- Anatomic M mode (360°, 5 lines)
- Smarchive
- VS-Flow (Optional)
- Tissue Doppler Imaging (Optional)
- ECG (Optional)
- Color M mode
- CW function
- B Flow
- Elastography (Optional)
- Auto 3D
- Free hand 3D
- 4D Pro
- SonoAir : transmit images to iPad/iPhone or the wireless Printer (Optional)
- DICOM 3.0 (Optional)
- Ultracloud (Optional)
- Thermal Printer (Optional)
Display mode
- B, 2B, 4B mode
- M, B/M mode
- Color flow mode
- Pulse Wave Doppler
- B/CFM, B/PDI mode
- B/PW mode
- CW, B/CW, B/CFM/CW mode
- B/E, E mode
- TDI mode
- Split B/Color real time mode
- 3D, 4D mode
- HD Zoom-For partial
- Full-View Zoom-For full image area
- Full Screen Image Area-The image
area fills into whole screen
- Continuous dynamic focus
- Dynamic apodization
- Dynamic aperture
- 1~8 selectable transmit focus
- Acoustic lens focus
- Cine-memory
- B-mode (max.2000 frames)
- M-mode (11 minutes)
- Hard disk 512 GB
Imaging Processing
2D mode
- 8-step TGC slide pots
- Gain: 0~100
- Depth: 1.6~30.8 cm
- Frequency: 5 steps
- Dynamic range adjustable: 30~180dB
- Edge enhancement: 0~3
- Smooth: 0~3
- Nanoview: 0~6
- Persistence: 0~7
- Chroma: 0~8
- Grayscale: 0~23
- Power: -∞~0dB, 0~100%
- Scan angle: 10°~157°
- B rotation: 0°,90°,180°,270°
- B steer:-20°~20°
- Line density: 2 steps
- Inversion: left/right, up/down
- Cineloop review: 2000 shots
M mode
- Gain:0~100dB
- Sweep speed: 4 steps
- Maps: 0~23
- Chroma: 0~8
Duplex and Triplex mode
Color mode
- Gain control: 0~100dB
- Pulse repetition frequency: 0.25KHz~6.0KHz
- Wall filter: 3KHz, 50 steps
- Median Filter: 0~3
- Threshold: 0~10
- Color Map: 0~10
- Smooth: -3~3
- Color Power Angio
- Color persistence: 0~7
- Line density: 2 steps
- Color enhancement: 6~16
- Velocity: 0.1cm/s ~ 298cm/s
- Color frequency: 4 steps
- Power: 0~100%, -∞ dB ~ 0 dB
- Baseline: 17 steps
- Steer: -20°~20°
- Priority: 85 steps
- Sampling volume: 1~128
PW mode
- Gain: 0~100dB
- D map: 0~23
- Frequency: 3 steps
- Steer: -20°~20°
- Chroma: 0~8
- PRFd: 0.25~25Hz
- Basic line: 31 steps
- Wall filter: 50 steps
- Angle: -80°~+80°
- Sampling volume: 0.5~40.0mm
- Volume:0~100%
- D Speed: 1~5
- Smooth: 0~3
- Power: -∞ dB ~ 0 dB
CW mode
- Gain: 0~100dB
- Map: 0~23
- Speed: 1~5
- Volume: 0~100%
- Power: -∞ dB ~ 0 dB
- Smooth: 0~3
- Chroma: 0~8
- Frequency: 3 steps
- WF: 50 steps
- Angle: -80°~+80°
- Scale: 1~9
Panoramic Image
4D Pro mode
- 4D map: 31 steps
- Rotate angle: 0° ~ 270°
- Threshold: 0~100
- Smooth: 0~3
- Brightness: 0~10
- Zoom: 0.2~2.5
- Color: 0~5
- Smooth: 0~5
- nSlice:
Planes: 3~39
Space: 0.5~20mm
- Q Cut
- Any Cut
TDI / TD mode
- C Gain: 0~100Db
- C PER:0~7
- C Freq:4 steps
- PRFc:0.25~6KHz
- Wall filter: 3KHz,Max,50 steps
- Baseline:17 steps
- C Map:0~9
- Thred:0~10
- C Prior:0~255
- C PWR: 0~100%, -∞ dB ~ 0 Db
- C SMO:-3~+3
- C Gate:1~128
- M Filter:0~3
- C LD: Low, High
- C Speed: 0.2cm/s ~ 298.4cm/s
- C ENH:6~16
ECG mode
- Gain: 1~8
- Position: 1~10
- Interval: ON/OFF
- ESP:0~3
- Color:1~4
- Hide: ON/OFF
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Measurement & Calculation
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Measurement
2D mode (General)
- Distance
- Trace Length
- Ellipse (area)
- Trace (area)
- Angle (general)
- Angle (cross)
- Auto IMT (intima-media thickness)
- Histogram
PW mode
- HR (heart rate)
- Velocity
PSC (peak systolic velocity)
EDV (end diastolic velocity)
S/D (systolic/diastolic)
RI (resistance index)
PG (pressure)
- ACC (acceleration)
- Time
- Manual Trace
PSC (peak systolic velocity)
EDV (end diastolic velocity)
MN (median)
ACC (acceleration)
S/D (systolic/diastolic)
RI (resistance index)
PI (pulsatility index)
HR (heart rate)
PG (pressure)
- Auto Trace
PSC (peak systolic velocity)
EDV (end diastolic velocity)
MN (median)
ACC (acceleration)
S/D (systolic/diastolic)
RI (resistance index)
PI (pulsatility index)
HR (heart rate)
PG (pressure)
- Range Trace
PSC (peak systolic velocity)
EDV (end diastolic velocity)
MN (median)
ACC (acceleration)
S/D (systolic/diastolic)
RI (resistance index)
PI (pulsatility index)
HR (heart rate)
PG (pressure)
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Calculation
- Liver
Long Left Lobe
Anteroposterior Left Lobe
Angle Left Lobe
Obli R Lobe
Anteroposterior Right Lobe
Angle Right Lobe
Portal Vein
IVC (Inferior Vena Cava)
SMA (Superior Mesenteric Artery)
CELA (Celiac trunk)
AO (aortaventralis)
- Gallbladder
CBD (Common bile duct)
LHD (Left hepatic duct)
RHD (Right hepatic duct)
- Pancreas
MPD(Main pancreatic duct)
- Spleen
Spleen artery
Spleen vein
- Kidney
Length Left Kidney
Anteroposterior Left Kidney
Transverse Left Kidney
Left Renal Artery
Length Right Kidney
Anteroposterior Right Kidney
Transverse Right Kidney
Right Renal Artery
- Ureter
- Bladder
- After the urine bladder
Simpson Residual Urine
- Prostate
PSAD (Prostate specific antigen Density)
- Uterus
- Cervix
- Ovary
Length Left
Anteroposterior Left
Transverse Left
Length Right
Anteroposterior Right
Transverse Right
- Follicle
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Obstetrics (1st Trimester)
- GS (gestation sac)
- CRL (crown-rump length)
- BPD (biparietal diameter)
- HC (head circumference)
- AC (abdominal circumference)
- FL (femur length)
Obstetrics (2nd and 3rd Trimesters)
- CRL (crown-rump length)
- BPD (biparietal diameter)
- HC (head circumference)
- AC (abdominal circumference)
- FL (femur length)
- Q (amniotic fluid index)
- OFD (occipitofrontal diameter)
- TAD (transverse trunk diameter)
- Placenta
- APD (Antero-posterior abdominal diameter)
- HL (humerus length)
- TL (tibia length)
- UL (ulna length)
- RL (radius length)
- FIBL (fibula length)
- OOD (outside Orbital distance)
- LV (Lateral ventricle)
- HW (Hemisphere width)
- NT (nuchal translucency)
- FTA (fetal torso transverse section)
- CER (cerebellum transverse diameter)
- Growth charts
- Biophysical profile
Fetal echo
- AO (aorta)
- LVOT (Left ventricular outflow tract)
- PA (Pulmonary artery)
- RVOT (Right ventricular outflow tract)
- LA (Left atrium)
- RA (Right atrium)
- Long Left Lobe
- Anteroposterior Left Lobe
- Transverse Left Lobe
- SUPA Left Lobe (Superior artery of Left Lobe)
- INFA Left Lobe (Inferior artery of Left Lobe)
- Long Right Lobe
- Anteroposterior Right Lobe
- Transverse Right Lobe
- SUPA Right Lobe (Superior artery of Right Lobe)
- INFA Right Lobe (Inferior artery of Right Lobe)
- Isthmus
- LCCA (Left common carotid artery)
- RCCA (Right common carotid artery)
- UI Left Breast (Upper internal of Left Breast)
- LI Left Breast (Lower internal of Left Breast)
- UE Left Breast (Upper external of Left Breast)
- LE Left Breast (Lower external of Left Breast)
- UI Right Breast (Upper internal of Right Breast)
- LI Right Breast (Lower internal of Right Breast)
- UE Right Breast (Upper external of Right Breast)
- LE Right Breast (Lower external of Right Breast)
- Long Left Testis
- Anteroposterior Left T Testis
- Transverse Left T Testis
- Long Left Epididymis
- Anteroposterior Left Epididymis
- Long Right Testis
- Anteroposterior Right Testis
- Transverse Right Testis
- Long Right Epididymis
- Anteroposterior Right Epididymis
- Left LV (Left lateral ventricle)
- Right LV (Right lateral ventricle)
- 3rd (Third cerebral ventricle)
- HW (Hemisphere width)
Peripheral vascular
- Diameter
Left AXIA (Left axillary artery)
Left BRAA (Left brachial artery)
Left RADA (Left radial artery)
Left ULNA (Left ulnar artery)
Left FEMA (Left femoral artery)
Left POPA (Left popliteal artery)
Left DORA (Left dorsal artery)
Right AXIA (Right axillary artery)
Right BRAA (Right brachial artery)
Right RADA (Right radial artery)
Right ULNA (Right ulnar artery)
Right FEMA (Right femoral artery)
Right POPA (Right popliteal artery)
Right DORA (Right dorsal artery)
- Intima
Left AXIA (Left axillary artery)
Left BRAA (Left brachial artery)
Left RADA (Left radial artery)
Left ULNA (Left ulnar artery)
Left FEMA (Left femoral artery)
Left POPA (Left popliteal artery)
Left DORA (Left dorsal artery)
Right AXIA (Right axillary artery)
Right BRAA (Right brachial artery)
Right RADA (Right radial artery)
Right ULNA (Right ulnar artery)
Right FEMA (Right femoral artery)
Right POPA (Right popliteal artery)
Right DORA (Right dorsal artery)
- Intima-media
Left AXIA (Left axillary artery)
Left BRAA (Left brachial artery)
Left RADA (Left radial artery)
Left ULNA (Left ulnar artery)
Left FEMA (Left femoral artery)
Left POPA (Left popliteal artery)
Left DORA (Left dorsal artery)
Right AXIA (Right axillary artery)
Right BRAA (Right brachial artery)
Right RADA (Right radial artery)
Right ULNA (Right ulnar artery)
Right FEMA (Right femoral artery)
Right POPA (Right popliteal artery)
Right DORA (Right dorsal artery)
- %D Reduce
Left AXIA (Left axillary artery)
Left BRAA (Left brachial artery)
Left RADA (Left radial artery)
Left ULNA (Left ulnar artery)
Left FEMA (Left femoral artery)
Left POPA (Left popliteal artery)
Left DORA (Left dorsal artery)
Right AXIA (Right axillary artery)
Right BRAA (Right brachial artery)
Right RADA (Right radial artery)
Right ULNA (Right ulnar artery)
Right FEMA (Right femoral artery)
Right POPA (Right popliteal artery)
Right DORA (Right dorsal artery)
- %A Reduce (%Area reduce)
Left AXIA (Left axillary artery)
Left BRAA (Left brachial artery)
Left RADA (Left radial artery)
Left ULNA (Left ulnar artery)
Left FEMA (Left femoral artery)
Left POPA (Left popliteal artery)
Left DORA (Left dorsal artery)
Right AXIA (Right axillary artery)
Right BRAA (Right brachial artery)
Right RADA (Right radial artery)
Right ULNA (Right ulnar artery)
Right FEMA (Right femoral artery)
Right POPA (Right popliteal artery)
Right DORA (Right dorsal artery)
- Hip Joint
- Diameter
Left CCA (Left common carotid artery)
Left BIF (Left common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Left ICA (Left Internal carotid artery)
Left ECA (Left external carotid artery)
Right CCA (Right common carotid artery)
Right BIF (Right common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Right ICA (Right Internal carotid artery)
Right ECA (Right external carotid artery)
- Intima
Left CCA (Left common carotid artery)
Left BIF (Left common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Left ICA (Left Internal carotid artery)
Left ECA (Left external carotid artery)
Right CCA (Right common carotid artery)
Right BIF (Right common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Right ICA (Right Internal carotid artery)
Right ECA (Right external carotid artery)
- %D Reduce (%Diameter reduce)
Left CCA (Left common carotid artery)
Left BIF (Left common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Left ICA (Left Internal carotid artery)
Left ECA (Left external carotid artery)
Right CCA (Right common carotid artery)
Right BIF (Right common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Right ICA (Right Internal carotid artery)
Right ECA (Right external carotid artery)
- %A Reduce
Left CCA (Left common carotid artery)
Left BIF (Left common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Left ICA (Left Internal carotid artery)
Left ECA (Left external carotid artery)
Right CCA (Right common carotid artery)
Right BIF (Right common carotid artery Bifurcation)
Right ICA (Right Internal carotid artery)
Right ECA (Right external carotid artery)
- RVAWd (Right ventricular anterior wall diastolic)
- RVd (Right ventricle diastolic period)
- IVSd (Inter-ventricular septum in diastolic period)
- LVd (Left ventricle in diastolic period)
- LVPWd (Diameter of left ventricle posterior wall in diastolic period)
- RVAWs (Right ventricular anterior wall systolic period)
- RVs (Right ventricular systolic period)
- IVSs (Inter-ventricular septum in systolic period)
- LVPWs (Diameter of left ventricle posterior wall in systolic period)
- RVOT (Right ventricular outflow tract)
- AO (Aorta)
- LA (Left atrium)
- IVC (Inferior vena cava)
- PA (Great artery short axis view)

Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Physical Features
- Video out port
- S-Video out port
- Audio in port
- Audio out port
- VGA out port
- 4 USB port
- Printer control port
- AC power input port
- HDMI digital port
- Network interface
- Foot SW
- WIFI port
- ECG port: 1
- Gel warmer port: 1
- Net dimension:
815 mm (D) X 580 mm (W) X (1260-1480) mm (H)
- Gross dimension:
950 mm (L) X 670 mm (W) X 1200 mm (H) (paper case)
940 mm (L) X 660 mm (W) X 1190 mm (H) (wooden case)
- Gross weight
95kg(paper case)
105kg(wooden case)
- Net weight
60kg(include 19-inch monitor)
Power Requirements
- Voltage: 100~220V±10%~(230±23V for EU countries)
- Frequency: 50Hz±1Hz; 60Hz±1Hz
- Rated Power: 500VA
Operation Conditions
- Ambient temperature: 0℃ to +40℃
- Relative humidity: 30% to 85%
- Atmospheric Pressure: 700hPa to 1060hPa
Stored Conditions
- Ambient temperature: -20℃ to +60℃
- Relative humidity: 15% to 93%
- Atmospheric Pressure: 500hPa ~ 1060hPa

Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Software & Accessories
Standard Accessories
- Power Cable
- Operation Manual
- Potential equalization conductor
- Printer control cable
- S-Video cable
- Fuse
- BNC/RCA cable
- Dust-proof cover
- Recovery system CD
- Wireless network antenna
- Cupule
- Tray
Optional Accessories
- B/W or color Video printer
- LaserJet or inkjet printer
- Biopsy guide
- Foot switch
- EGC cable
- Gel warmer
Apogee 5300 Touch - General color Doppler system Applied Standards
Quality Standards
- ISO 9001:2008
- ISO 13485:2003
Conformance Standards
- UL 60601-1
- EN 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1
- EN 60601-1-1 and IEC 60601-1-1
- EN 60601-1-2 and IEC 60601-1-2
- EN 60601-1-4 and IEC 60601-1-4
- EN 60601-1-6 and IEC 60601-1-6
- EN 60601-2-37 and IEC 60601-2-37
- EN 62304 and IEC 62304
CE Declaration
The Certification Body of TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH declares that the aforementioned manufacturer has implemented a quality assurance system for design, manufacture and final inspection of the respective products / product categories according to Annex II section 3 of the Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices.
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