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Why is prenatal diagnosis important? Clicks:Updated:2018-08-21 14:08:55 |
It was only in 1970 that it was discovered that an abnormality could be detected before birth. Ultrasound scans of infants (fetuses) in the uterus have become frequent since 1980.
Currently, most pregnant women receive one or two ultrasound scans during pregnancy. The first scan called "dating scan" is to confirm pregnancy and assess the duration of pregnancy. The second scan, called "abnormal scan," is to find out the development of the organ and find any defects. It also helps to identify further tests or treatments. The second scan is best done between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, some pregnant women need to scan more than twice, in which case detailed information about the fetus is available.
What are the abnormalities detected widely before birth?
Abnormal heart
There is a problem with the chest
Intestinal problem
Kidney problem
Brain problem
Some examples
Congenital paralysis:
If CDH is detected before birth, it is diagnosed by seeing the stomach and some intestines in the chest area in an ultrasound scan. CDH may be related to other anomalies. Therefore, it is important to conduct other studies, such as amniocentesis and detailed scanning of the heart. CDH can also cause an increase in amniotic fluid around the baby (known as polyhydramnios), which can lead to early childbirth. CDH is a serious disease. Overall, 85% of prenatal diagnosed patients may die before or after childbirth, but about 50% of patients with no other abnormalities survive.
About half of all infants with exomphalos have problems affecting other body systems. The most common are the heart, lungs and kidneys. A detailed scan will be performed, but it is not always possible to find the problem before the baby is born. The risk of chromosomal abnormalities is also increased (amniocentesis is a test for detecting it). You should be able to give birth to your baby in the normal way, unless there is a large outreach, or there are other reasons for caesarean section. After the baby is born, the pouch will be wrapped in a plastic film to protect it and reduce heat and fluid loss. The size of the capsule and its contents can vary greatly from small to large. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately state what type of surgery Exomphalos needs before your baby is born and can see the actual size.
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