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Good looks are passing MBBS for medical students

Clicks:Updated:2018-01-09 16:01:41

Good looks are passing MBBS for medical students
Mumbai: After 12 states and four federal districts, the number of aspiring medical students has dropped dramatically. Medical students must complete the National Discharge Examination (NEXT) in order to receive a "doctor"  degree. The Indian Medical Council (MCI) Spiritual torture of medical students and is known, has now entered the damage control model, and put forward to attract new students to participate in medicine and confession of the new way.
It is observed that most male doctors are partially bald and girls look ugly when passing MBBS. This led to a decrease in the attractiveness and sexual appeal of young doctors, who no longer had lucrative medicines, after all, "project patana" and "paterna" as the new generation of mantra. At an important meeting of illiterate babies, it was decided that MCI now wigged male and vanity wigs as souvenirs cleared through medical degrees at the NEXT meeting they convened. It was further decided that the top three students in each college will carry out hair transplants and free breast augmentation for men and women respectively.
medical students
Given the recent medical attacks and attacks on physicians and healthcare professionals by politicians and the judiciary in India, MCI seems hopeful of this pioneering move to prevent young people from leaving medical schools. In order to have a safe and comfortable life, MCI's temptation to rich young people (no matter how short lived) and promised a great sex life (after puberty) may prove to be the only comfort to medical students.
Students and doctors from all over the country expressed dissatisfaction with the introduction of NEXT. Even the head-top filled with hair and glowing skin, rather than passing the promise of a "re-examination," has not proven to be worthwhile.
Dr K'abhi Matbann, a mom intern from Mumbai, said: "Getting into MBBS is like going to a public restroom, where people waiting outside come in desperately.  What is the point of awarding beauty packages in NEXT ‘after’ MBBS when good looks are labeled as mandate for passing MBBS professional exams every year, especially for girls.
Only time will tell whether wigs and cosmetics will coax students into using medicine as a profession, but nocturnal medical experts say this is a major stroke that MCI plays, and the positive effect will soon be seen.
Guangzhou Medsinglong medical equipment Co., Ltd 
Cell: 0086-138 2644 8637


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