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20 minutes of exercise can reduce inflammation

Clicks:Updated:2018-02-28 11:02:40

20 minutes of exercise can reduce inflammation
The long-term health benefits of physical exercise are numerous. They include reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, improving metabolism and weight control, and strengthening the heart, muscles and bones.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a regular physical activity can also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
The researchers tested the hypothesis that a 20-minute exercise is sufficient to trigger sympathetic excitatory activation, which in turn inhibits monocyte production.
Monocytes are white blood cells or immune cells that help fight bacteria and infections. Cytokines are a type of protein that helps other cells become so-called effector cells, killing or infecting cells.
TNF is one of these cytokines. TNF can induce cell differentiation and proliferation but can also induce cell death, including cancer. TNF also has pro-inflammatory properties that help the body bring inflammatory cells to the site of injury and produce an immune response.
Inflammation is an essential part of the body's immune response, but too much inflammation can lead to disease. Chronic inflammation can lead to diabetes, obesity, celiac disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia or enteropathy such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
To test their hypothesis, the researchers asked 47 participants to walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes and adjust the intensity to suit everyone's health. Hong and the team collected participants' blood samples immediately before and after the games.
The results show that 20 minutes of moderate exercise can have anti-inflammatory effects.
The study confirmed the researchers' assumptions. Exercise seems to produce an anti-inflammatory cellular response, which is seen in the reduction of the cytokine TNF.
"Our study found that a moderate run of about 20 minutes resulted in a 5% reduction in the number of stimulated TNF-producing immune cells," said Hung.
Although researchers already know the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity, Hong explains that the study explained the process in more detail.
"Knowing the regulatory mechanism of inflammatory proteins in exercise may help to develop new treatments for the vast majority of chronic inflammatory patients, including nearly 25 million Americans with autoimmune diseases," Hong added .
The first author also underlined the importance of the study for those with reduced strength or mobility who think physical exercise needs to be very intense to be effective.
"Our research shows that exercise does not require a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and 20 minutes to half an hour of moderate exercise, including rapid walking, appears to be sufficient and feels like an exercise needs to be threatened for long periods of time at peak exercise levels People with chronic inflammatory diseases and can benefit from physical activity. "
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