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How many calories should you eat a day? Clicks:Updated:2018-08-24 11:08:56 |
When most of us think of calories, we think about the degree of obesity in food. In terms of diet, calories are the energy provided by food.
If we continue to absorb more energy than we need, we will gain weight. If we consume too little energy, we will lose weight, lose weight, and eventually lose weight.
Calorie is defined as the energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of water by 1 degree Celsius.
The type and amount of food we eat determines the calories we consume. For many people who lose weight, the amount of calories in the food is the deciding factor in choosing whether to eat it.
The way we eat and the time can vary, because the body uses different energy throughout the day. The energy use of our body will depend on our level of activity, the efficiency of our body's energy use and our age.
According to the 2015-2020 American Dietary Guidelines, women may need between 1,600 and 2,400 calories a day, while men need 2,000 to 3,000 calories. However, it depends on their age, size, height, lifestyle, overall health and level of activity.
Quick facts about calorie intake and use
The recommended calorie intake depends on factors such as age, size, height, gender, lifestyle and overall health.
The recommended daily calorie intake in the United States is approximately 2,500 for men and 2,000 for women.
Eating a hearty breakfast helps to lose weight and maintain weight.
The brain uses about 20% of the energy of the human body.
Factors that influence optimal caloric intake include age, bone density, and muscle-to-fat ratio.
A 500-calorie meal consisting of fruits and vegetables has more health benefits, making you feel fuller than the 500-calorie snack
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