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What ultrasound is used at 8 weeks - Medsinglong Clicks:Updated:2018-04-03 11:04:35 |
What ultrasound is used at 8 weeks
There are several reasons for performing an 8-week ultrasound examination.
Vaginal bleeding
At this stage of pregnancy, this may be a sign of miscarriage. If there is not a lot of bleeding, it can point to ectopic or dental caries. This means that the embryo is not in the uterus, so the doctor must determine the position of the embryo. Hydatidiform mole pregnancy appears as a bunch of grapes in the ultrasound. This is an abnormal placental tissue and there are no viable babies in the uterus.
If the fetal heartbeat appears in the 8-week ultrasound, it can be determined that the pregnancy progresses normally. Sometimes practitioners cannot hear it. This may be due to a doctor's hearing errors. Your doctor will certainly recommend that you repeat the exam a week later and then infer what the problem is.
Sometimes women do not remember the date of her last menstrual period. 8 weeks ultrasound can find the fetus's gestational age and predict the time of birth.
Multiple pregnancy
The number of fetuses is an important information for the further process of pregnancy, because the burden of multiple births on pregnant women exceeds that of single-birth pregnancy and may require additional attention and care.
Internal organ health and condition
All the organs in the mother's body participate in maintaining healthy pregnancy flow. One of the most important organs is the internal sex organs, so we must control the health and condition of the ovary and fallopian tubes as important as the uterus.
How will it be completed?
The ultrasonic test takes about 15 to 20 minutes. If more detailed assessments are required, inspections may take longer.
Trans-Abdominal ultrasound
This means that the scan will be done through your lower abdomen. If you want this method of examination, you will be asked to drink 2-3 glasses of water so that you have a complete bladder before surgery. As the bladder is filled to move the uterus from the pelvis to the abdomen, it will make the visualization of the baby easier and clearer. The sonographer places a small amount of ultrasound gel on the skin of your abdomen and the ultrasound transducer will scan through the gel. Transabdominal ultrasound can provide us with useful information about fetal size, development, and whether pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic.
Transvaginal ultrasound
This is an internal inspection method. This means that the sonographer will place the transducer in the vagina and scan the internal organ wall. Because the transducer is close to these organs and the fetus, transvaginal ultrasound often produces better and clearer images of female pelvic organs. Transcerebral ultrasound transducers are very thin, about 2 cm in diameter. The sensor is cleaned and sterilized according to the recommended protocol. During the ultrasound examination, your privacy is respected because you will get a large towel covering the lower body. You may not need a full bladder during transvaginal ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound will give us a clearer image because ultrasound does not pass through the muscle layer of the abdomen that acts as a barrier.
Both methods are completely safe for mothers and babies, but you can always choose whether to perform transvaginal or abdominal ultrasound.
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