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How to tell Baby's Gender From an Early Sonogram - 6 ways Clicks:Updated:2018-06-14 11:06:54 |
One of the most exciting highlights of pregnancy is an ultrasound sonogram where you can peek at your baby before your baby is born. However, more and more expectant mothers are using these images in a completely new way: trying to assassinate the baby's gender prediction at an early date. Of course, in about 20 weeks, the fetus is sufficiently developed to allow the ultrasound technician to tell you gender with considerable confidence (assuming the baby is in the right place). But the sound spectrum of some mothers vowed to provide clues to the sex of the baby as early as six weeks!
This news prompted a group of hopeful parents to carefully examine their early audiovisual images and upload others’ predictions online. According to a survey conducted by the UK parenting website Netmums, one-third of parents posted early ultrasound images on Facebook and other websites and asked friends to measure whether they were boys or girls. At the same time, websites of different genders held information on how to correctly Guess the entire discussion board.
Of course, the medical community is skeptical that this method really works.
"The only way to determine gender in a sonogram is by observing the penis or vagina," said Fahimeh Sasan, Ph.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Icahn Medical College, Mount Sinai. These private parts do not exist until pregnancy. In spite of this, many people may think this is right because the possibility of guessing power is very good. "Sex is 50/50, so any old wife's story or gimmick is correct in 50% of the time," Dr. Sasan pointed out.
Despite this, even if early ultrasound charts do not accurately predict gender, we suspect that this will prevent parents from trying because it is fun! According to the result, do not decorate your nursery.
If you want to try it well, then Mum claims that you can see the gender of the baby from the early ultrasound chart:
Placenta on right side of uterus (also called the Ramzi theory) = boy
Placenta on left side of uterus = girl
Private parts nub pointing up less than 30 percent = girl
Private parts nub point up more than 30 percent = boy
Square skull and jaw = boy
Round skull = girl
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