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96 Wells Rapid Test Fluorescence Quantitative Real-Time Pcr Detection System MSLEAX262
clinical chemistry automated machines biochemistry machine MSLBA51
clinical chemistry automated machines biochemistry machine MSLBA51
lab eqipment fully Automatic chemistry analyzer machine MSLES200
Open type blood test chemistry anaylzer machine MSLES160
Intelligent Biochemistry Chemistry Analyzer machine MSLES120
Automatic Chemistry Analyzer MSLES480 is biochemistry analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Automatic Chemistry Analyzer MSLES380 is biochemistry analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer MSLES105 is widely used in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer MSLES102 is popularly used in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer MSLES101C is widely used in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer MSLES100P is popularly used in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer MSLES100C is widely used in clinical laboratories and designed for in vitro quantitative determination of clinical chemistries in serum, plasma, urine or cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Automatic Chemistry Analyser Biossays 1200 is good at processing a large portion of samples such as blood,serum, plasma,urine and so on.
Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer Biossays 240 Plus is a discrete, emergency priority instrument which is suitable to carry out common clinical chemistry tests.
Full Automatic Dry Biochemistry Analyzer MSLDBA06 is equipped with the latest medical and technological innovations.
Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer MSLDBA01,portable automatic biochemical analyzer,can provide better diagnosis for blood analysis quickly, easily and accurately.
Our POCT Chemistry Analyzers MSLDAO4 are used to obtain diagnostic results while with the patient or close to the patient.
Our Blood Chemistry Analyzer MSLDA02 are widely used by hospitals,medical labs,forensic labs,and by people at home.

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