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Ventilator machine is one kind of our anesthesia ventilator, If this could not feed your requirement, just see other anesthesia machine, such as veterinary anesthesia machine, anesthesia ventilator, anesthesia gas machine, portable anesthesia machine.

Introduction of anesthesia machine: Do you want to know the technology of anesthesia machines?...

The ventilator is an electrically controlled pneumatic ventilator integrating
Used for first-aid, respiratory therapy and the whole offline process.
Used for first-aid, respiratory therapy and the whole offline process.
Include a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
Include a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
Include a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
Include a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
consists of a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
consists of a main unit, an anesthetic vaporizer, a flow meter
Sophisticated delivery system,Stable, prompt, accurate
Professional Data Analysis Software for CO2 Monitoring;
7 leads synchronously acquisition and record,excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto-baseline adjustment Recording mode:3ch+,3ch+++,6ch
7 leads synchronously acquisition and record,excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto-baseline adjustment Recording mode:1ch+,3ch,3ch+
7 leads synchronously acquisition and record,excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto-baseline adjustment Recording mode:1ch+,3ch,3ch+
7 leads synchronously acquisition and record,excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto-baseline adjustment Recording mode:1ch,1ch+
Portable delicate design,big color LCD to display,soft silicon key and touch screen to operate,very convenient Accurate pulse pace identification and excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto baseline adjustment 12 leads synchronously acquisition and display;Recording mode:3ch+++,6ch,6ch+,12ch
Portable delicate design,big color LCD to display and soft alphanumeric keyboard operation Accurate pulse pace identification and excellent auto-interpretation function High accuracy digital filter,auto baseline adjustment 12 leads synchronously acquisition and displa;Recording mode:3ch+++,6ch,6ch+,12ch

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